Joy as Purpose

In the words of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The most basic reason for the existence of Christ Community Church is the same: to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. (John Piper, Desiring God)

Historic Beliefs

We stand with all Christian churches in affirming the Apostles’ Creed. We stand in the Protestant and Reformation tradition in affirming the historic views of the Westminster Confession of Faith

But churches that share a doctrinal commitment still have to decide how those doctrinal views will be explained, lived out, and applied to the lives of the people in the church fellowship and how they relate to the culture in which we live. The application of our doctrinal views to our life situation is reflected below. What follows is a summary of how our beliefs will be lived out in our community.

Common Vision

For over 30 years, we have sought to make the greatness and glory of God visible in our world through a community of people who are being transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ

Community Values

God’s grace in Jesus Christ is the only power that will produce substantial, healthy change in anyone! Christianity is not another “religion.” The common denominator in all religions is some version of becoming acceptable by doing right things. The message of the Bible is that we are accepted through what Jesus did, not by what we do. Believing God and living out what God says produces true change! We can’t change ourselves just by trying harder, but God can and will change us by the power of His Spirit who works in us. 

The Bible does not call us to a private, isolated, individual relationship with Christ. To be “in Christ” by God’s grace is to belong to the people of God. This is not an "extra" add-on. Biblical community is the objective of the the good news of Jesus Christ, the means by which the good news of Jesus Christ spreads, and the context for living a godly life. We are an intergenerational church that is growing to recognize our need for the whole church. Our worship is participatory: singing, praying and responding to God is not something we simply watch others do, it is the work of the whole church. 

Christ has not called us to isolate ourselves from the world. He has called us out of the world to belong to Him and has sent us back into the world to be witnesses and servants as we live out the callings God has given us in our homes, schools, places of work, etc. God has placed us in this place at this time to serve Him. God’s Kingdom includes the nations. Our hearts need to be drawn into God’s passion for those who are disconnected from Him.

Our Affiliations

We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America and our pastor is a member of the Central Florida Presbytery.

On the evening of November 17, 1988, 

Dan and Margaret Thompson arrived in Titusville to begin the task of planting a new congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.

They knew of four people who might be interested in joining, but had no place to meet, no money for paying rent on a meeting place, and a deadline set by the Presbytery for the end of financial support. 

Our first meeting place. 1989.

Our first meeting place. 1989.

Dan had never done anything like this. When Dan was in seminary, he thought the guys who planted churches were just not able to find jobs in real churches. Now he was joining their ranks.  Dan looked it up: the average tenure of a pastor in America is five to seven years. When he moved to Titusville, he thought he would be here for about five years to get the church going, then move on to something else

In 2016, Dan and Margaret were joined by Daniel and Carolyn Levi. Daniel served as Assistant Pastor at Christ Community Church. He and Carolyn have three boys, Bennett, Owen, and Aiden. 

In 2018, Dan made the hard decision to step down as Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church in order to allow for new leadership to come in and to evaluate a new calling in ministry after nearly 30 years at Christ Community Church. Several weeks after the announcement, the church held a goodbye gathering to tell stories, laugh, and even cry together about the many shared experiences of friendship, service, and through it all— God’s grace— over the years.

Construction of our current building. 1997.

Construction of our current building. 1997.

In 2019, after serving as Assistant Pastor for three years, Daniel Levi was called to be the Senior Pastor of Christ Community Church. He served in this role through 2024.

Throughout the life of Christ Community Church there has been a lot of change!  The community of Titusville underwent much change through the growth then and ending of the shuttle program and throughout other various changes influenced by the dynamics of the space industry.  However, many of the things that make Christ Community Church what it is have remained consistent: a group of people who have loved, supported and encouraged each other; gifted musicians who make worship enjoyable week after week; elders and deacons who have helped keep things running; enduring friendships; and much more.



Dominic Aquila

Interim Pastor

Steve Page

Assistant Pastor

Laura Reeves
Office Administrator
Volunteer Coordinator


Jordan Carr

Worship Director


Cathy Hill

Nursery Coordinator


Learn more about the office of Elder.

Ken Carr
Ruling Elder

Ed Fambrough
Ruling Elder

Lee Lobban
Ruling Elder


Paul Anthony
Ruling Elder

Ben Charvet
Ruling Elder

Coen Gilmore
Ruling Elder

Bob Adams
Ruling Elder

Billy Reeves
Ruling Elder


Learn more about the office of Deacon.

Jim Grossman

Paul Stonehouse

JT McGill

Scotty Morgan

Marty Barber

Michael Barber

Matt Morrison

How Can You Be Involved?

Connect with other people in the joys and realities of life and discover how to use your gifts and talents to serve neighbors. 

Join us on Sundays at 10AM to grow in your knowledge and worship of God through song, prayer, study of God's Word, and celebration of the sacraments.

Have questions or concerns? Set up a meeting with one of our pastors. They would love to meet with you.